When I was a kid I lived across the street from the library. In those days, the librarian had to actually hand print the book titles onto my card. I seem to remember the rule being no more than six books could be borrowed at once. I'd take out six books, carry them home, read them and bring them back...about three times a day. Not sure why I didn't just stay there. My sister and I always had books with us whenever we went anywhere. My uncle's wife told me years later that when they first started dating she found it weird that I would actually sit and read encyclopedias. Until I moved to Korea, I probably read five to ten books a week. My lifestyle was always so busy and I just didn't make the time. I still read but not to the degree that I had my whole life. I LOVE books. All kind of books! The best is now the child loves books, too.She ALWAYS has a novel or two with her when she leaves the house.
I promise to make time for reading and to spend at least 30 minutes a day reading.
Today I:
1. checked TPP.
2. danced with my kid to BEP's Dirty Bit.
3. will go to bed with an empty kitchen sink and with a huge slice on the side of my hand where a glass popped while I was washing it.
4. worked on teaching The Peanut something new. Hula-hooping.
5. blogged.
6. ate off the monthly menu. Dinner was homemade Shepard's pie.
7. am on day day of training the kittens to use the toilet. Another big step tomorrow.
8. said the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.
9. did not go to sleep by 12:35, but I slept A LOT today.
10. did a yoga video.
11. ate dinner with my child.
12. listened to music...see #2.
13. finished organizing the hall closet.
14. took my vitamins.
15. read for a few hours.
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