Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Madness

It's Monday. School starts back tomorrow after the holiday break. I have spent the ENTIRE freakin' day running around. This will be brief.

I am not my ideal weight. I need to exercise. I joined the gym with my cousin a month ago but I haven't gone since the child has been out of school. I returned today. It was good.

Today's promise is to exercise everyday.  끝

Today I:
checked TPP.
danced with my kid to Pitbull's Calle Ocho.
will go to bed with an empty kitchen sink.
worked on teaching The Peanut something new. She practice with the shoe again.
ate off the monthly menu. Dinner was at Hyla's.
am on day five of training the kittens to use the toilet. The next step didn't happen but it will tomorrow.
said the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.
will go to sleep by 12:35, if not sooner even though Jon will be on fire tonight!
went to the gym and exercised for 30 minutes, which isn't great but it's better than nada.

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