Inevitably, I was going to have to go down the dreaded physical path of the daily promises. Make no mistake there will be lots of promises in this category because this is truly the part of my life that has been neglected the most. Surprisingly, a recent work-up of my blood does indicate that I'm healthy, but the scales, size of my clothes and huffing & puffing that would likely happen if I ever actually attempted to walk anywhere, would beg to differ.
The first place I'm going to start to make my life healthier seems easy but, to be perfectly honest, for me it will be a huge challenge. I do believe that not everyone needs to eat three squares a day, but I think if you're one of those people that do the several-small-meals-a-day approach you need to be health conscious. I, right now, am not that person. For as long as I can remember 99% of the time, I have only eaten one meal a day...and that meal is never breakfast...and is usually bought by me instead of being made by me. So for the immediate future, I'm not going to worry so much with exactly what goes in my mouth as opposed to when. I'm going to concentrate on eating three home-cooked meals a day. I'll worry about the content of these meals down the road, don't fret about that.
For someone that hates cooking and hasn't habitually prepared brekkie, lunch and dinner everyday, some organization is required. Today with the help of some friends that can cook (and seriously cook well) I prepared a full menu plan for a month. I'm actually looking forward to this challenge of cooking from the menu plan every day.
Today I:
checked TPP
danced with my kid to The Proclaimers' 500 Miles
will go to bed with an empty kitchen sink
worked on teaching The Peanut something new...continuing the hairbrushing
made my monthly menu plan
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